Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have netflix on my computer and it picks movies that I might like. One of those movies it showed was called Mine. It is a documentary about what happened to some of the dogs rescued during Katrina. I never knew how hard it was for the people who went through Katrina to get their dogs back. The movie showed some of the families who had adopted the Katrina dogs and then when the owner showed up to get their dog back the new owners did not want to return the animals. These people did not want to leave their pets, but were forced to because none of the shelters would let them bring their animals with them.  I can't even imagine what I would do if that had happened to me and Flynn. After watching this documentary I am now resigning to do everything I can to prepare for an emergency so that I can always get my Flynnigan back. I recommend that every dog owner watch this documentary it is very moving. 

I'll leave you with a picture of my sweet baby that I can't live without.

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